There are many times when you need financial statements -- whether for yourself as a management tool or for someone else.

And, at times, you may be requested to provide a little more assurance for those financial statements.

There are various degrees of assurance provided in financial statements and we will work with you to provide the level needed for the circumstances.


We can start from scratch or, use your existing records. We do what is needed in your circumstance.

If your bank or investors wish, we can prepare the following types of financial statements:

- Compiled Financial Statements

- Reviewed Financial Statements

- Audited Financial Statements

We can also apply Agreed-Upon Procedures to various elements of those statements.

If you are in the Construction Industry, we can prepare statements required for bonding.

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Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA, PA -1266 E Fort King St. - P.O. Box 759, Ocala, FL 34478- 352-351-3310