Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA, PA provides a full range of bookkeeping services tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients.

As a business grows, its need change and we adapt our services accordingly.


For the business who keeps their bookeeping on their own computer using their own staff, we can assist with the difficult issues when needed.

For new businesses with little accounting expertise on staff, we can take basic records provided by the client and use them to help the client keep their records in order. These service could include:

- Balancing the bank statement to the checkbook

- Creating monthly financial statements

- Maintaining a general ledger

- Maintaining payroll records

- Preparing payroll tax reports

- Preparing sales tax reports

Home About Us Bookkeeping Assistance Income Tax Services Audits & Attestation

Business Consulting

Jeffrey L. Sailor, CPA, PA -1266 E Fort King St. - P.O. Box 759, Ocala, FL 34478- 352-351-3310